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Beginners to Basic Spanish (2/9)

Beginners to Basic Spanish (2/9)

Beginners to Basic Spanish

spanish poster

Upon completion of this 9 weeks Spanish course, successful students will:
- converse in and comprehend Spanish using the present tense, construct short dialogues about everyday topics, such as introductions and descriptions about themselves and others within the limits of vocabulary and structure studied in class.
- read and comprehend short paragraphs in Spanish on topics such as places in the city, daily routines, fields of study, pastimes, vacations, and likes and dislikes
- sentence paragraph in Spanish about themselves and everyday topics such as activities and academic life using the present tense
- demonstrate basic awareness of Hispanic culture, such as values, customs, surname system, meals, etc.

Course Details

Course Start Date / Time 20-01-2025 6:30 pm
Course End Date / Time 20-01-2025 7:30 pm
Capacity 300
Fee Free
Select Hours 1
Location Online Course
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