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The iPad & SEN

The iPad & SEN

The iPad & SEN

ipad sen

iPads are the most powerful accessibility tool for children in our classrooms.

Learning Outcomes:
• Develop skills on how to effectively support the use of iPad features for Special Education and Special Class Teachers.
• Explore applications that will aid the teaching and learning for children with ASD, ADHD, weak fine motor skills, and challenging communication abilities.
• Examine how iPads develop children’s imagination and engage all learners.
• Use the iPad-integrated features to support academic development.
• Discuss the optimal approach to seamless integration of assistive technology into teaching.

Course Details

Course Start Date / Time 21-01-2025 7:00 pm
Course End Date / Time 21-01-2025 8:00 pm
Capacity 300
Fee Free
Select Hours 1
Location Online Course
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