Cúpla Focal - Learning the Basics of our Native Language

Learning the basics of our native language
This 7 week online course will take place on
20th & 27th January, 5th, 10th and 24th of February & 3rd & 10th of March, 2025 from 4:30pm to 5:30pm each afternoon.
You will be taught how to hold a basic conversation as Gaeilge. You will learn about the similarities and differences in syntax between Gaeilge and English. The focus will be on basic pronunciation, grammar, fun games and improving your conversational skills.
The course will run for seven weeks and you will be confident in writing short, structured sentences at the end of the seven weeks.
Brian will use the following resources to aid your learning: teg.ie, tearma.ie & SingFónaic.
Course Details
Course Start Date / Time | 20-01-2025 4:30 pm |
Course End Date / Time | 20-01-2025 5:30 pm |
Capacity | 300 |
Fee | Free |
Select Hours | 1 |
Location | Online Course |