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Emotional Intelligence with Carmel Lillis

Emotional Intelligence with Carmel Lillis

emotional intelligence

Emotional Intelligence

Audience:  Primary and Post-Primary Teachers

Date/Time:  Monday, 4th December @ 7 p.m.


Emotionally healthy behaviour is reflected in characteristic ways of


identifying, managing, and expressing feelings and

choosing effective behaviours.

Becoming an emotionally intelligent teacher is a journey and process, not an arrival state or end result. Emotionally intelligent teachers are active in their orientation to students, work, and life. They are resilient in response to negative stress and less likely to overwhelm themselves with pessimism and strong, negative emotions. (Darwin B. Nelson, Ph.D. Gary R. Low, Ph.D. Kaye Nelson, Ed.D.)

During this leadership hour, we will explore together the skills needed to regulate emotions in ourselves and understand the role emotions play in our behaviour as teachers and professionals. We will consider the importance of modelling E.I. with students and how we can assist them in this area.

Learning Outcomes

  • To gain insights into the role of emotional intelligence in our lives as teachers and members of school communities.
  • To consider how we might modify our responses to situations in light of our learning.
  • To further develop our ability to deal with classroom stress and goal achievement for ourselves and for those for whom we have responsibility.

Facilitator: Carmel Lillis

Carmel is a retired School Principal, Resource Teacher, H/S/C/L Coordinator, M.Ed., with an Advanced Diploma in Executive Leadership and Coaching.  She is an experienced facilitator with Maynooth University, the University of Limerick (CSL PDSL) and the Education Support Centres of Ireland.  She is a writer and researcher.  Her recent publication is with Dr Gerry Jeffers, "Responding to Educational Inequality in Ireland - Harnessing Teachers’ Perspectives to Develop a Framework for Professional Conversations



Course Details

Course Start Date / Time 04-12-2023 7:00 pm
Course End Date / Time 04-12-2023 8:00 pm
Capacity 500
Fee Free
Select Hours 1
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