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Distributed Leadership with Maria Caesar

Distributed Leadership with Maria Caesar

distributed leadership

Audience:  Primary and Post Primary Teachers


Examining distributed leadership as a progressive leadership model for schools to support sustainability and the development of leadership capacity in key stakeholders in schools.

Facilitated by:  Maria Caesar

Maria Caesar is an experienced primary teacher and school principal.  She has worked in teacher support services for principals and middle leaders, speaking at the IPPN national conference on the topic of sustainability in the early years of leadership.  She is the founder of Recruit Ed, a company specialising in the application and interview process for aspiring school leaders and teachers.  Maria is passionate about helping aspiring leaders reach their potential by uncovering their specific skills, values and attitudes conducive to authentic and sustainable leadership. 

Course Details

Course Start Date / Time 15-04-2024 7:00 pm
Course End Date / Time 15-04-2024 8:00 pm
Capacity 300
Fee Free
Select Hours 1
Location Online Course
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